
Ho, G. C. C., Welsh, D. T., & Bush, J. T. (Accepted) From moral exemplar to underperformer? The double-edged sword of ethical leadership for leader in-role and extra-role performance. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Bai, F., Ho, G. C. C., & Liu, W. (2020) Do status incentives undermine morality-based status attainment? Investigating the mediating role of perceived authenticity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 158, 126–138. [link]

Bai, F., Ho, G. C. C., & Yan, J. (2020) Does virtue lead to status? Testing the moral virtue theory of status attainment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118, 501–531. [link]

Selected Works in Progress

Welsh, D. T., Cannon, M., Smith, I., & Ho, G. C. C. [Relational ethics review]. First round R&R at Journal of Applied Psychology.

Ho, G. C. C., & Sessions, H. [Moral capitalization]. Preparing for submission. Target: Journal of Applied Psychology.

Ho, G. C. C., Flake, D. R., & Welsh, D. T. [Pro-follower unethical behavior]. Writing stage. Target: Academy of Management Journal.